Sunday, December 21, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
How to Enjoy Flying
I thought I'd take a quick break from packing my suitcase to pass on some very simple, clear information to those of you who suffer from a fear of flying.
When I work with my clients on this fear, I always ask them when the fear begins. Usually, it begins when they plan the trip. Literally, it can be when they're online, shopping for flights, choosing the dates, etc. The fear then intensifies as each days passes and the day of the flight gets closer.

My approach to curing fears and phobias comes from a unique concept - teaching people how to think like those of us who actually enjoy flying. We think about the trip in a way that produces absolutely no anxiety or uncomfortable feelings, and that's because of what we think and how we think about it.
So here's how I do it, as I've come to discover through a bit of introspection:

Acceptance of death as a natural part of the life cycle is very empowering.
Once the flight reaches cruising altitude, I either drift off to sleep, dig into the book, or just listen to music and allow my thoughts to wander. It's a time when I have no responsibilities, so I can relax and reflect.
Taking a trip is a good time to think about your life, where you're going and where you've been. Many times I've returned from a trip and made significant changes based on those reflections and new ideas that have come to me while thinking or reading.
The point of the story here is that there are far more interesting things to think about and do when taking a trip than focusing on the terrifying thoughts in which bad things happen.
This is something that anyone can learn to do... and it is my pleasure to teach people how to do it in my office, all while relaxing in a comfortable trance.
Happy Holidays.
When I work with my clients on this fear, I always ask them when the fear begins. Usually, it begins when they plan the trip. Literally, it can be when they're online, shopping for flights, choosing the dates, etc. The fear then intensifies as each days passes and the day of the flight gets closer.
My approach to curing fears and phobias comes from a unique concept - teaching people how to think like those of us who actually enjoy flying. We think about the trip in a way that produces absolutely no anxiety or uncomfortable feelings, and that's because of what we think and how we think about it.
So here's how I do it, as I've come to discover through a bit of introspection:
- When I buy the tickets, I'm thinking about who I'm going to see. The confirmation I receive in the email is then sent off to the family members or friends who I'll be visiting, so they'll know when I'm arriving at the airport. The thought of seeing these people puts a smile on my face. [otherwise, I wouldn't be buying the ticket!]
- When I think about the trip, my thoughts are focused on what I'll be doing while I'm there. The airport experience and flight barely enter into my mind.
- When I pack for the trip (like tonight), I'm again thinking only about what I'll be doing while I'm there. This allows me to choose the right clothes for the trip! One other thought that crosses my mind is to travel light... because although I'm not afraid of flying, I have no love for waiting at the baggage claim.
- On the day of the trip, it's all about giving myself enough time to arrive at the airport with plenty of time to spare. This prevents any unnecessary stress due to worrying about missing the flight or getting bumped (especially this time of year).
- When I arrive at the airport, I think of it as though my vacation has already begun. Now, everyone else has to do all the work. I get to turn on the ipod, listen to my favorite music, read a book, and just turn off my brain. Occasionally, I'll glance at the time and keep an eye on the gate so I'll know when it's time to board. During this time, there is absolutely no thought about being on the plane, the actual flight experience or the possibility of a crash or terrorist attack (this is a big one since 9/11). I've trained myself so these thoughts just don't enter into my mind.
- When it's time to board, I'm usually still absorbed in music and a book. My attention is on what I'm reading... that's it. This helps with blocking out the screaming kids and impatient or sttressed-out travelers, too. I meander my way through the aisle to my seat, toss my bags in the overhead and plop down in the seat. At this point, although I continue to read, I keep the headphones off in case someone sits next to me or wants my attention. This is all as dull as can be... just the way I like it.
- When the plane begins to taxi, I might close my eyes and do some self-hypnosis... just relax my whole body as deeply as possible. During takeoff, I usually do have a passing awareness of the small possibility that there could be an accident. I don't think about this visually... it's just an awareness that allows me to mentally prepare. I might think about how great life has been... the good times I've had... and I resolve myself that if today's my day, then I've had a pretty good ride.

Acceptance of death as a natural part of the life cycle is very empowering.
Once the flight reaches cruising altitude, I either drift off to sleep, dig into the book, or just listen to music and allow my thoughts to wander. It's a time when I have no responsibilities, so I can relax and reflect.
Taking a trip is a good time to think about your life, where you're going and where you've been. Many times I've returned from a trip and made significant changes based on those reflections and new ideas that have come to me while thinking or reading.
The point of the story here is that there are far more interesting things to think about and do when taking a trip than focusing on the terrifying thoughts in which bad things happen.
This is something that anyone can learn to do... and it is my pleasure to teach people how to do it in my office, all while relaxing in a comfortable trance.
Happy Holidays.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Winona Ryder's Fear Sends Her to the Hospital
Call this "How Not to Cure a Phobia - Part III" (see the previous installments in the archives of this blog).
These examples seem to come along nearly every other day now... people putting themselves at high risk in order to combat a fear that could be dealt with much more safely and comfortably.

This time it's a celebrity - Winona Ryder - who decided to use powerful prescription drugs to combat her fear of flying. The result? She apparently overdosed on tranquilizers, forcing the pilot to request a priority landing so she could be rushed to the hospital.
Click here for the story from Reuters.
Thankfully, Ms. Ryder survived and is in good health. It's a shame that with all her wealth and popularity, she hasn't yet found the help she needs to address her fear appropriately.
Drugs (tranquilizers, in this case) treat symptoms, that's it. They do nothing to address the cause. Even if you never overdose on them, the best you can hope for is that you'll continue taking them for the rest of your life. It's dependency... slavery, if you will.
Fear begins in the subconscious. There are thoughts that cross Winona Ryder's mind when she takes a flight, or even thinks about flying, and these thoughts produce feelings of panic and anxiety. People who enjoy flying don't think about it the same way. If they did, they'd be as afraid as she is.
The way to eliminate a phobia is to change the thoughts that produce the feelings. Once the thoughts change, the response changes automatically. It doesn't matter how long the fear has been in place. It doesn't matter what the feared object may be.
The change can happen very quickly.

While it is understandable that to someone who hasn't studied or experienced hypnosis or NLP (neuro-linguistic programming), this may seem fanciful - too good to be true - the truth is that therapists have been curing phobias in this way for decades. Do a little Google research into the "10-minute phobia cure" created by Richard Bandler (photo, above), the co-founder of NLP.
I often tell my clients the story of how I cured my first phobia after reading a famous book co-authored by Richard Bandler and John Grinder - Frogs into Princes (pictured below). I quite literally had a couple months' worth of hypnotherapy training, added to the knowledge I gained reading Bandler & Grinder's books, when I made my first attempt. The result? I helped a 52-year-old woman lose her 33-year phobia of cats - in one session.

Now I'm no conspiracy theorist, but I instantly began to wonder why something so simple and safe would remain relatively unknown to the majority of the population. After all, even most psychiatrists these days still employ "exposure" therapy to cure fears and phobias.
Then I realized that many psychiatrists prescribe pharmaceuticals to patients for the phobias, and that large pharmaceutical companies like Merck and Pfizer make billions of dollars a year selling these drugs to people. While a hypnotherapist might make a few hundred bucks curing your fear, think about how much money can be made selling you prescription drugs for the rest of your life.
Treating phobias with drugs is profitable. It's big business.
So if you're skeptical as to whether something like hypnosis could actually work, and if so, why it remains so obscure (even though it's becoming more mainstream), consider how many billions of dollars in profits would be lost if everyone stopped taking tranquilizers and used hypnosis to eliminate their anxiety.
My hope is that Ms. Ryder, and anyone else suffering from intense fear or anxiety, will now seek help from someone who's well-trained in hypnosis and NLP, so this kind of thing doesn't happen again.
These examples seem to come along nearly every other day now... people putting themselves at high risk in order to combat a fear that could be dealt with much more safely and comfortably.

This time it's a celebrity - Winona Ryder - who decided to use powerful prescription drugs to combat her fear of flying. The result? She apparently overdosed on tranquilizers, forcing the pilot to request a priority landing so she could be rushed to the hospital.
Click here for the story from Reuters.
Thankfully, Ms. Ryder survived and is in good health. It's a shame that with all her wealth and popularity, she hasn't yet found the help she needs to address her fear appropriately.
Drugs (tranquilizers, in this case) treat symptoms, that's it. They do nothing to address the cause. Even if you never overdose on them, the best you can hope for is that you'll continue taking them for the rest of your life. It's dependency... slavery, if you will.
Fear begins in the subconscious. There are thoughts that cross Winona Ryder's mind when she takes a flight, or even thinks about flying, and these thoughts produce feelings of panic and anxiety. People who enjoy flying don't think about it the same way. If they did, they'd be as afraid as she is.
The way to eliminate a phobia is to change the thoughts that produce the feelings. Once the thoughts change, the response changes automatically. It doesn't matter how long the fear has been in place. It doesn't matter what the feared object may be.
The change can happen very quickly.

While it is understandable that to someone who hasn't studied or experienced hypnosis or NLP (neuro-linguistic programming), this may seem fanciful - too good to be true - the truth is that therapists have been curing phobias in this way for decades. Do a little Google research into the "10-minute phobia cure" created by Richard Bandler (photo, above), the co-founder of NLP.
I often tell my clients the story of how I cured my first phobia after reading a famous book co-authored by Richard Bandler and John Grinder - Frogs into Princes (pictured below). I quite literally had a couple months' worth of hypnotherapy training, added to the knowledge I gained reading Bandler & Grinder's books, when I made my first attempt. The result? I helped a 52-year-old woman lose her 33-year phobia of cats - in one session.

Now I'm no conspiracy theorist, but I instantly began to wonder why something so simple and safe would remain relatively unknown to the majority of the population. After all, even most psychiatrists these days still employ "exposure" therapy to cure fears and phobias.
Then I realized that many psychiatrists prescribe pharmaceuticals to patients for the phobias, and that large pharmaceutical companies like Merck and Pfizer make billions of dollars a year selling these drugs to people. While a hypnotherapist might make a few hundred bucks curing your fear, think about how much money can be made selling you prescription drugs for the rest of your life.
Treating phobias with drugs is profitable. It's big business.
So if you're skeptical as to whether something like hypnosis could actually work, and if so, why it remains so obscure (even though it's becoming more mainstream), consider how many billions of dollars in profits would be lost if everyone stopped taking tranquilizers and used hypnosis to eliminate their anxiety.
My hope is that Ms. Ryder, and anyone else suffering from intense fear or anxiety, will now seek help from someone who's well-trained in hypnosis and NLP, so this kind of thing doesn't happen again.
frogs into princes,
john grinder,
richard bandler,
winona ryder
Sunday, November 16, 2008
How Not to Cure a Phobia - Part 2
This one is much more common than my previous post about a man who's trying to cure his fear of being buried alive by sleeping inside a coffin. Many, many people who are afraid of flying use a combination of pills and alcohol to calm their anxiety.

Not only is that a very ineffective way to overcome a fear, it also happens to be dangerous. Take the following story as an extreme example... a worst-case scenario of what can happen when going about things the wrong way.
From the London Sunday Express (click the link below for the full story):

A CHARITY worker whose behaviour brought terror to a holiday flight had been drinking to cure his fear of flying.
Derek Kirkwood, 58, downed up to 12 miniature bottles of brandy and wine together with a pill. But far from soothing his nerves, the alcohol transformed him into a drunken yob during a four-hour flight from Gran Canaria to Manchester.
First, he threatened to kick an air stewardess “up the bottom” and then he picked on another passenger saying: “You’re a big man up here – let’s see if you are a big man on the ground.” Even when the cabin manager tried to intervene Kirkwood swore at him and said: “I’ll sort you out at the airport.”
At Manchester Crown Court, Kirkwood was handed a suspended four-month jail term. Judge Andrew Lowcock told him: “Your behaviour was loutish, rude and unpleasant. You made life a misery for your other passengers. I am told you are frightened of flying but your fear is no excuse for what you did.”
In court on Thursday shame-faced Kirkwood, of Askham-in-Furness, Cumbria, admitted being drunk on an aircraft and was ordered to complete 180 hours of unpaid work and to pay £700 in costs.
Click here for the full story
How you think is how you feel, and if your automatic thoughts associated with flying are terrifying, you will experience terrifying feelings physically. Downing pills or alcohol may deaden some of those feelings, but the experience will still remain unpleasant.
Of course, even if you "get through" the flight without freaking out and threatening other passengers, you'll feel extraordinarily lousy afterwards... not to mention the fact that your fear will still be there the next time you need to take a flight.
Change your thoughts and change your feelings. Here's a brief testimonial from one of my clients who had a fear of flying for more than 25 years:
"I had a fear of flying. No, scratch that. Actually it was a phobia of flying. Just the thought of going to an airport made me sick to my stomach.
I was told I needed to travel to L.A. on a business trip and I needed to travel alone. I knew I wouldn't be able to go. A friend gave me Sean's information and told me to call him. I did.
I arrived at Sean's office and he told me he may be able to "cure" my disease in an hour. 'Yeah right,' I thought. That's impossible. I had been dealing with this paralyzing phobia for 25 years.
At the end of the session, one hour later, my mind was relaxed and at ease. My trip to L.A. was scheduled for the next day and not only was the fear gone, but excitement took its place. He told me that the more I flew the more fun I would have each trip. He was right.
I now fly all over the country on trips by myself... trips that I make for myself! I have fun and feel safe. Turbulence doesn't even bother me. It's amazing how liberated and strong I feel now as a result of my therapy session with Sean.
I recommend his services to everyone I know. It's the right choice. And best of all, it's an alternative to medication that's everlasting. Thank you, Sean! You've changed my life."
Atlanta, GA
While not everyone will lose their fear after one hour of hypnosis, Whitney's results are fairly common. Usually, it requires three or fewer sessions, but often one will do the trick, if it's handled properly by an experienced hypnotherapist or NLP practicioner.

Not only is that a very ineffective way to overcome a fear, it also happens to be dangerous. Take the following story as an extreme example... a worst-case scenario of what can happen when going about things the wrong way.
From the London Sunday Express (click the link below for the full story):

A CHARITY worker whose behaviour brought terror to a holiday flight had been drinking to cure his fear of flying.
Derek Kirkwood, 58, downed up to 12 miniature bottles of brandy and wine together with a pill. But far from soothing his nerves, the alcohol transformed him into a drunken yob during a four-hour flight from Gran Canaria to Manchester.
First, he threatened to kick an air stewardess “up the bottom” and then he picked on another passenger saying: “You’re a big man up here – let’s see if you are a big man on the ground.” Even when the cabin manager tried to intervene Kirkwood swore at him and said: “I’ll sort you out at the airport.”
At Manchester Crown Court, Kirkwood was handed a suspended four-month jail term. Judge Andrew Lowcock told him: “Your behaviour was loutish, rude and unpleasant. You made life a misery for your other passengers. I am told you are frightened of flying but your fear is no excuse for what you did.”
In court on Thursday shame-faced Kirkwood, of Askham-in-Furness, Cumbria, admitted being drunk on an aircraft and was ordered to complete 180 hours of unpaid work and to pay £700 in costs.
Click here for the full story
How you think is how you feel, and if your automatic thoughts associated with flying are terrifying, you will experience terrifying feelings physically. Downing pills or alcohol may deaden some of those feelings, but the experience will still remain unpleasant.
Of course, even if you "get through" the flight without freaking out and threatening other passengers, you'll feel extraordinarily lousy afterwards... not to mention the fact that your fear will still be there the next time you need to take a flight.
Change your thoughts and change your feelings. Here's a brief testimonial from one of my clients who had a fear of flying for more than 25 years:
"I had a fear of flying. No, scratch that. Actually it was a phobia of flying. Just the thought of going to an airport made me sick to my stomach.
I was told I needed to travel to L.A. on a business trip and I needed to travel alone. I knew I wouldn't be able to go. A friend gave me Sean's information and told me to call him. I did.
I arrived at Sean's office and he told me he may be able to "cure" my disease in an hour. 'Yeah right,' I thought. That's impossible. I had been dealing with this paralyzing phobia for 25 years.
At the end of the session, one hour later, my mind was relaxed and at ease. My trip to L.A. was scheduled for the next day and not only was the fear gone, but excitement took its place. He told me that the more I flew the more fun I would have each trip. He was right.
I now fly all over the country on trips by myself... trips that I make for myself! I have fun and feel safe. Turbulence doesn't even bother me. It's amazing how liberated and strong I feel now as a result of my therapy session with Sean.
I recommend his services to everyone I know. It's the right choice. And best of all, it's an alternative to medication that's everlasting. Thank you, Sean! You've changed my life."
Atlanta, GA
While not everyone will lose their fear after one hour of hypnosis, Whitney's results are fairly common. Usually, it requires three or fewer sessions, but often one will do the trick, if it's handled properly by an experienced hypnotherapist or NLP practicioner.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Exposure as Cure? Not so Fast...
I saw this brief story on phobias in the News-Times out of Connecticut, and felt compelled to respond. Pay special attention to the section in italics (my emphasis).
Think you have a phobia?
Article Last Updated: 11/08/2008 09:52:41 PM EST
Here are some tips on what to do if you think you have a phobia:
Make sure you work out what exactly about a thing or situation is frightening. For example, if you are afraid of getting blood drawn, do you have a blood phobia or a needle phobia?
Often, anxious thoughts people have due to a phobia are unrealistic, or very unlikely. Examine your thoughts, and decide whether the worries are unrealistic.
Facing fears in a gradual and consistent manner is the most effective way to overcome fears and phobias. The process involves GRADUALLY and REPEATEDLY exposing yourself to the feared object or situation in a safe and controlled way. You learn to "ride out" the anxiety and distress until it passes.
Through repeated experiences of facing your fears, you begin to realize that the situation, while perhaps unpleasant, is not harmful. With more exposure, you'll feel more control over your phobia, which is the most important benefit of exposure. As anxiety gradually decreases, you'll no longer react with panic.
The reason I felt compelled to respond to this article is this: the idea that exposure is the most effective way to overcome fears & phobias is nothing more than a belief. The mere idea that a phobia can be conquered through logic and conscious understanding is itself highly questionable, given the fact that the phobic response is illogical and unconscious.
Most phobics understand the irrationality of their problem -- that's why they're trying to get rid of it. Of course, someone with a fear of flying understands that it's statistically safer than driving, but the thought of the airplane crashing or experiencing turbulence overrides that logic and causes physical feelings of panic or anxiety.
If the problem is with an unconscious, automatic thought-feeling response (i.e. the response is occurring independent of conscious, "logical" interference), it is highly questionable that conscious intervention will have an impact.
Why? By the time the conscious mind has its say, it's too late. The feelings have already taken hold, and the panic has already set it. At that point, you're fighting a losing battle, as your logical conscious thoughts ("I am safe") are in stark opposition with your physical experience (terror).
I know this because I've seen it with my own eyes. I've known people who've tried this exposure approach - unsuccessfully - and have thereby become frustrated and discouraged. Then, after an hour or two of hypnosis and NLP (neuro-linguistic programming), their phobia is gone.
Again, this is not to say that every single phobia is cured with an hour of hypnosis. The purpose of this blog is not to convince anyone that one method of therapy is always the best for everyone.
Rather, I'm here to challenge the assumptions of the psychological and psychiatric establishment, because these assumptions lead individuals with phobias to endure unnecessary suffering (mentally, physically, emotionally and financially).
I can only point to my direct experience as a hypnotherapist. I've worked with people who had paralyzing fears for 25-30 years, and "cured" them after an hour or two.
It works by changing the automatic thought associated with the phobic response. People who are afraid of flying experience the uncomfortable feelings because of how they're thinking about flying. Typically, they think about crashing or dying. It's also fairly common for parents to worry about what will happen to their children if something happens and they are unable to take care of them.
People who enjoy flying don't think about these things in the same way. We all know an accident is a possibility, but just as we know that car accidents are possible (and far more common), we just don't dwell on the thought or give it as much time or energy.
Phobics have trained themselves to think the same terrifying thoughts each and every time they think about or encounter the feared situation. Helping them to re-train their unconscious thought response (typically through hypnosis) causes the terrifying thoughts to be replaced by more comfortable thoughts.
Think about that before you decide what to believe about your phobia. Even when you go to experienced, well-intentioned professionals like those at AnxietyBC, you're bound to find information that is questionable and presumptive.

Here is an excerpt from their resources about specific phobias and how to treat a phobia of dogs:
...if Karen wanted to be able to remain in a room with a dog without panicking, she may take the following steps:
Step 1: Draw a dog on a piece of paper.
Step 2: Read about dogs.
Step 3: Look at photos of dogs.
Step 4: Look at videos of dogs.
Step 5: Look at dogs through a closed window.
Step 6: Then through a partly-opened window, then open it more and more.
Step 7: Look at them from a doorway.
Step 8: Move further out from the doorway; then further etc.
Step 9: Have a helper bring a dog into a nearby room (on a leash).
Step 10: Have the helper bring the dog into the same room, still on a leash.
If you view this previous blog entry about my client who had a 30+ year fear of cats, you'll find that the above steps are completely unnecessary. How much time do you think you could waste drawing pictures, looking at photos, videos, going to the pet store, etc., only to continually subject yourself to the same uncomfortable feelings?
With one session of hypnosis and NLP, this woman learned to think about cats in a new way... a way that didn't cause the same terrifying feelings to overcome her.
That's it!
What's more is that I didn't invent these techniques. They've been around for decades. I cured this woman's phobia after reading a book on NLP - Frogs into Princes, by John Grinder and Richard Bandler - that was originally published in June of 1979. I wasn't even a certified hypnotherapist at that point... I was still in training.
It's not that complicated. You don't have to consciously understand when the fear began, what caused it or why it continued in order to get rid of it and respond in a new way.
It works like this:
Think vivid thoughts about a terrifying experience = feel terrified.
Think vivid thoughts about a relaxing or comfortable experience = feel relaxed and comfortable.
Best of luck to you in your search for relief.
Be optimistic - the answer may be closer than you think.
Think you have a phobia?
Article Last Updated: 11/08/2008 09:52:41 PM EST
Here are some tips on what to do if you think you have a phobia:
Make sure you work out what exactly about a thing or situation is frightening. For example, if you are afraid of getting blood drawn, do you have a blood phobia or a needle phobia?
Often, anxious thoughts people have due to a phobia are unrealistic, or very unlikely. Examine your thoughts, and decide whether the worries are unrealistic.
Facing fears in a gradual and consistent manner is the most effective way to overcome fears and phobias. The process involves GRADUALLY and REPEATEDLY exposing yourself to the feared object or situation in a safe and controlled way. You learn to "ride out" the anxiety and distress until it passes.
Through repeated experiences of facing your fears, you begin to realize that the situation, while perhaps unpleasant, is not harmful. With more exposure, you'll feel more control over your phobia, which is the most important benefit of exposure. As anxiety gradually decreases, you'll no longer react with panic.
The reason I felt compelled to respond to this article is this: the idea that exposure is the most effective way to overcome fears & phobias is nothing more than a belief. The mere idea that a phobia can be conquered through logic and conscious understanding is itself highly questionable, given the fact that the phobic response is illogical and unconscious.
Most phobics understand the irrationality of their problem -- that's why they're trying to get rid of it. Of course, someone with a fear of flying understands that it's statistically safer than driving, but the thought of the airplane crashing or experiencing turbulence overrides that logic and causes physical feelings of panic or anxiety.
If the problem is with an unconscious, automatic thought-feeling response (i.e. the response is occurring independent of conscious, "logical" interference), it is highly questionable that conscious intervention will have an impact.
Why? By the time the conscious mind has its say, it's too late. The feelings have already taken hold, and the panic has already set it. At that point, you're fighting a losing battle, as your logical conscious thoughts ("I am safe") are in stark opposition with your physical experience (terror).
I know this because I've seen it with my own eyes. I've known people who've tried this exposure approach - unsuccessfully - and have thereby become frustrated and discouraged. Then, after an hour or two of hypnosis and NLP (neuro-linguistic programming), their phobia is gone.
Again, this is not to say that every single phobia is cured with an hour of hypnosis. The purpose of this blog is not to convince anyone that one method of therapy is always the best for everyone.
Rather, I'm here to challenge the assumptions of the psychological and psychiatric establishment, because these assumptions lead individuals with phobias to endure unnecessary suffering (mentally, physically, emotionally and financially).
I can only point to my direct experience as a hypnotherapist. I've worked with people who had paralyzing fears for 25-30 years, and "cured" them after an hour or two.
It works by changing the automatic thought associated with the phobic response. People who are afraid of flying experience the uncomfortable feelings because of how they're thinking about flying. Typically, they think about crashing or dying. It's also fairly common for parents to worry about what will happen to their children if something happens and they are unable to take care of them.
People who enjoy flying don't think about these things in the same way. We all know an accident is a possibility, but just as we know that car accidents are possible (and far more common), we just don't dwell on the thought or give it as much time or energy.
Phobics have trained themselves to think the same terrifying thoughts each and every time they think about or encounter the feared situation. Helping them to re-train their unconscious thought response (typically through hypnosis) causes the terrifying thoughts to be replaced by more comfortable thoughts.
Think about that before you decide what to believe about your phobia. Even when you go to experienced, well-intentioned professionals like those at AnxietyBC, you're bound to find information that is questionable and presumptive.
Here is an excerpt from their resources about specific phobias and how to treat a phobia of dogs:
...if Karen wanted to be able to remain in a room with a dog without panicking, she may take the following steps:
Step 1: Draw a dog on a piece of paper.
Step 2: Read about dogs.
Step 3: Look at photos of dogs.
Step 4: Look at videos of dogs.
Step 5: Look at dogs through a closed window.
Step 6: Then through a partly-opened window, then open it more and more.
Step 7: Look at them from a doorway.
Step 8: Move further out from the doorway; then further etc.
Step 9: Have a helper bring a dog into a nearby room (on a leash).
Step 10: Have the helper bring the dog into the same room, still on a leash.
If you view this previous blog entry about my client who had a 30+ year fear of cats, you'll find that the above steps are completely unnecessary. How much time do you think you could waste drawing pictures, looking at photos, videos, going to the pet store, etc., only to continually subject yourself to the same uncomfortable feelings?
With one session of hypnosis and NLP, this woman learned to think about cats in a new way... a way that didn't cause the same terrifying feelings to overcome her.
That's it!
What's more is that I didn't invent these techniques. They've been around for decades. I cured this woman's phobia after reading a book on NLP - Frogs into Princes, by John Grinder and Richard Bandler - that was originally published in June of 1979. I wasn't even a certified hypnotherapist at that point... I was still in training.
It's not that complicated. You don't have to consciously understand when the fear began, what caused it or why it continued in order to get rid of it and respond in a new way.
It works like this:
Think vivid thoughts about a terrifying experience = feel terrified.
Think vivid thoughts about a relaxing or comfortable experience = feel relaxed and comfortable.
Best of luck to you in your search for relief.
Be optimistic - the answer may be closer than you think.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Top 10 Strangest Phobias
I've come across some weird phobias in my years as a hypnotherapist. One that stands out is a woman who was afraid of frogs (also known as "ranidaphobia") to such an extent that she couldn't even bear to be in a room covered in frog wallpaper.
[note: I also have an aversion to such wallpaper, but it's never made me break out in a cold sweat]

I've cured a woman's 30-year phobia of cats, done a lot of work with fear of flying and claustrophobia, but this list really has some doozies. For those of you who are affected by a paralyzing phobia yourselves, perhaps this list will help you feel a bit less unusual.
My experience as a therapist has shown me that just about everyone has some weird quirks they hide from even their closest friends (but not from me), so keep that in mind as you seek help with your own.
Here are a few to get you started...
1. Zemmiphobia-Fear of the great mole rat.
2. Anablephobia-Fear of looking up.
3. Consecotaleophobia-Fear of chopsticks.
4. Geniophobia-Fear of chins.
5. Taphephobia Taphophobia-Fear of being buried alive or of cemeteries. (check out my previous blog entry for more on this one)
See the rest of the Top 10 by clicking right here.
[note: I also have an aversion to such wallpaper, but it's never made me break out in a cold sweat]

I've cured a woman's 30-year phobia of cats, done a lot of work with fear of flying and claustrophobia, but this list really has some doozies. For those of you who are affected by a paralyzing phobia yourselves, perhaps this list will help you feel a bit less unusual.
My experience as a therapist has shown me that just about everyone has some weird quirks they hide from even their closest friends (but not from me), so keep that in mind as you seek help with your own.
Here are a few to get you started...
1. Zemmiphobia-Fear of the great mole rat.
2. Anablephobia-Fear of looking up.
3. Consecotaleophobia-Fear of chopsticks.
4. Geniophobia-Fear of chins.
5. Taphephobia Taphophobia-Fear of being buried alive or of cemeteries. (check out my previous blog entry for more on this one)
See the rest of the Top 10 by clicking right here.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Man Lives in Coffin to Cure Phobia (no kidding)

Granted, this source isn't the highest on the news media food chain, but I just couldn't resist commenting on this story.
There's an old school belief in the field of psychology that in order to conquer a fear, a person has to face it, understand it and then overcome it. Here we have the most extreme and ridiculous example of that philosophy.
Take a look... (the original story is available by clicking the headline above)

A 78-year-old man has built himself a live-in crypt in an attempt to cure himself of a phobia.
Brazilian tourist park operator Freud de Melo suffers from taphephobia - the fear of being buried alive - and has decided to live in a converted coffin in an attempt to ease the condition.
The crypt features a television, a water pitcher, an air vent and tubes which he uses to speak to those outside the contraption.
"I have awful, awful nightmares of trying to dig myself out from underground," said de Melo.
And now, he's still going to have those nightmares. However, from now on, he's going to wake up and find himself in a coffin.
That should be cheery.
Now, I don't know whether he's eventually going to get over this fear or not. However, I do know that there are easier ways of doing it.
You see, the likelihood is that Senior de Melo would never have to face that fear his entire life. By obsessing on it, and then by subscribing to the "face it, conquer it" belief system, he has actually created the situation he feared the most and made it a reality.
The problem isn't that he's afraid of being buried alive. EVERYONE is afraid of that! The problem is that he's obsessing on the thought of being buried alive. It's a thought-pattern, like any other. Some people can't stop thinking about an ex. Some can't stop thinking about cigarettes. The problem isn't the thing... it's the thought.

Everyone is afraid of dying in an airplane crash. That's a realistic, genuine fear. The problem is when a person thinks about it so much, or in such a way, that it becomes overwhelming, even paralyzing.
Understanding the fear (i.e. "flying is statistically safe than driving") does absolutely nothing to calm that fear. The troubling thoughts are coming automatically, directly from the subconscious.
The quickest way to change these thoughts (as yet) is through hypnosis. When your thoughts change, so do your feelings. That's why some of my clients will lose a fear of flying in less than an hour. The change doesn't "make sense" any more than the phobia did, but it works just as well, and it's permanent.
A skilled hypnotherapist could have this guy sleeping better - in a normal bed - in a very short amount of time. It's a shame he's all the way down there in Brazil...
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Hypnophobia? Thank Hollywood
Hypnotherapy is a proven method that's been used to eliminate fears and phobias for decades. While no method will ever be 100% effective, it's really quite amazing just how quickly a little hypnosis and NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) can do the trick.
That said, there's one little problem... what if you're afraid of hypnosis?
What a terrible position in which to find one's self. You have this fear of flying, or driving, or heights, or even mascots (yes, click the link), and you've heard hypnosis can help... but darn it, you're afraid of being hypnotized, too!
There are many good reasons people are hesitant to try hypnosis, and a lot of it has to do with Hollywood. You see, the idea of hypnosis, combined with a complete lack of understanding as to how it is produced and how it actually works... well, mix those ingredients together with a clever script, and you've got yourself a highly-entertaining movie!

One of the first things I do with nearly every client I meet is to debunk all the misinformation about hypnosis that has permeated our society thanks to some creative, yet naive writers in Hollywood. Now, I must confess that I love movies... even a few that portray hypnosis inaccurately. So here I'll discuss a few of the more recent and/or well-known movies that have used hypnosis, let you know where they went wrong, and whether they're worth seeing as well.
The Manchurian Candidate (1962) (photo above)
While the 2004 remake with Denzel Washington attempted to update the story, the original was far more controversial. In fact, after the assassination of JFK, the film was withdrawn from movie theaters throughout the United States. It was banned in Eastern bloc countries until the fall of communism in 1993.
The plot involves a military officer who is captured by communists and brainwashed through the use of hypnosis. Once he is released, the officer responds obediently to every post-hypnotic command he is given by his captors, usually over the phone. They tell him to play a game of solitaire, and when he views a particular card, he becomes a mindless pawn who blindly follows their every command, including cold-blooded murder.
This is a very entertaining and creepy movie that I would strongly recommend. However, as a hypnotherapist, I must point out that hypnosis is a voluntary process that requires the cooperation of the subject. No one can be forced to do something against their will, either during or following a trance.
In this film, the hypnotist is all-powerful and the subject is completely powerless. Bottom line: you always have a choice of whether to respond or not, and will never do anything against your morals or values.

Office Space (1999)
This is one of my all-time favorite comedies. Anyone who has ever worked in an office environment will appreciate the humor here. The main character, Peter Gibbons, is so frustrated and unhappy with his job as a drone worker at a software company that he seeks the help of a hypnotherapist.
A few moments after the hypnotherapist begins the hypnotic induction, Peter is relaxing comfortably in a trance, "without a care in the world." Just then, the hypnotherapist keels over and dies on the spot. Since Peter is never officially "roused" from the trance, the plot dictates that he continues to feel wonderful for days and days... skipping out on work, asking Jennifer Aniston's character out on a date, eventually getting a promotion because he's so smooth and comfortable during an interview with some annoying consultants.
It's a great concept, and many hypnotherapists probably wish they were so powerful. I am thrilled to have this movie in my library, since what follows is hilarious stuff. However, if a hypnotherapist was unfortunate enough to pass away in the middle of a client's trance, the suggestions given wouldn't be any stronger than if the session were completed as normal.
Somehow, I take comfort knowing that I'm more powerful alive than dead!!

Stir of Echoes (1998)
Not a bad thriller. This one features Kevin Bacon as a blue-collar guy who doesn't believe in hypnosis, but allows his sister-in-law to hypnotize him at a party. He goes into a deep trance, and the next thing he knows he's awake and sweating profusely, with no memory of what has happened. Everyone is laughing and telling him what he said and did, but he looks and feels stressed out and afraid.
Later that night, he begins to see horrifying images of violence and of a dead woman or ghost. Basically, hypnosis is used as a gateway to supernatural mental abilities (a common use of hypnosis in movies, including "Donnie Darko" and "Close Your Eyes"). This is a handy tool for a Hollywood screenwriter, but there isn’t any fact behind this fiction.
Amnesia is possible following hypnosis, but it is very rare for anyone to have absolutely no memory of what happened. I have also never seen or heard of anyone drenched in sweat and panicked upon awakening. Hypnosis is a very relaxing and comfortable experience. If at any point a person imagines or experiences something frightening or traumatic, they can easily open their eyes and return to a state of normal conscious awareness.
And no, hypnosis is not, nor has it ever been, a gateway to supernatural or psychic abilities.
Bummer, huh?
Other Movies Featuring Hypnosis
•Svengali (1931); starring John Barrymore
•Spellbound (1945); directed by Alfred Hitchcock - highly recommended
•Dead Again (1991); Kenneth Branagh
•Shallow Hal (2001); Jack Black, Cameron Diaz
•Oldboy (2003); similar to Manchurian Candidate - recommended
•The Butterfly Effect (2004); Ashton Kutcher
That said, there's one little problem... what if you're afraid of hypnosis?
What a terrible position in which to find one's self. You have this fear of flying, or driving, or heights, or even mascots (yes, click the link), and you've heard hypnosis can help... but darn it, you're afraid of being hypnotized, too!
There are many good reasons people are hesitant to try hypnosis, and a lot of it has to do with Hollywood. You see, the idea of hypnosis, combined with a complete lack of understanding as to how it is produced and how it actually works... well, mix those ingredients together with a clever script, and you've got yourself a highly-entertaining movie!

One of the first things I do with nearly every client I meet is to debunk all the misinformation about hypnosis that has permeated our society thanks to some creative, yet naive writers in Hollywood. Now, I must confess that I love movies... even a few that portray hypnosis inaccurately. So here I'll discuss a few of the more recent and/or well-known movies that have used hypnosis, let you know where they went wrong, and whether they're worth seeing as well.
The Manchurian Candidate (1962) (photo above)
While the 2004 remake with Denzel Washington attempted to update the story, the original was far more controversial. In fact, after the assassination of JFK, the film was withdrawn from movie theaters throughout the United States. It was banned in Eastern bloc countries until the fall of communism in 1993.
The plot involves a military officer who is captured by communists and brainwashed through the use of hypnosis. Once he is released, the officer responds obediently to every post-hypnotic command he is given by his captors, usually over the phone. They tell him to play a game of solitaire, and when he views a particular card, he becomes a mindless pawn who blindly follows their every command, including cold-blooded murder.
This is a very entertaining and creepy movie that I would strongly recommend. However, as a hypnotherapist, I must point out that hypnosis is a voluntary process that requires the cooperation of the subject. No one can be forced to do something against their will, either during or following a trance.
In this film, the hypnotist is all-powerful and the subject is completely powerless. Bottom line: you always have a choice of whether to respond or not, and will never do anything against your morals or values.

Office Space (1999)
This is one of my all-time favorite comedies. Anyone who has ever worked in an office environment will appreciate the humor here. The main character, Peter Gibbons, is so frustrated and unhappy with his job as a drone worker at a software company that he seeks the help of a hypnotherapist.
A few moments after the hypnotherapist begins the hypnotic induction, Peter is relaxing comfortably in a trance, "without a care in the world." Just then, the hypnotherapist keels over and dies on the spot. Since Peter is never officially "roused" from the trance, the plot dictates that he continues to feel wonderful for days and days... skipping out on work, asking Jennifer Aniston's character out on a date, eventually getting a promotion because he's so smooth and comfortable during an interview with some annoying consultants.
It's a great concept, and many hypnotherapists probably wish they were so powerful. I am thrilled to have this movie in my library, since what follows is hilarious stuff. However, if a hypnotherapist was unfortunate enough to pass away in the middle of a client's trance, the suggestions given wouldn't be any stronger than if the session were completed as normal.
Somehow, I take comfort knowing that I'm more powerful alive than dead!!

Stir of Echoes (1998)
Not a bad thriller. This one features Kevin Bacon as a blue-collar guy who doesn't believe in hypnosis, but allows his sister-in-law to hypnotize him at a party. He goes into a deep trance, and the next thing he knows he's awake and sweating profusely, with no memory of what has happened. Everyone is laughing and telling him what he said and did, but he looks and feels stressed out and afraid.
Later that night, he begins to see horrifying images of violence and of a dead woman or ghost. Basically, hypnosis is used as a gateway to supernatural mental abilities (a common use of hypnosis in movies, including "Donnie Darko" and "Close Your Eyes"). This is a handy tool for a Hollywood screenwriter, but there isn’t any fact behind this fiction.
Amnesia is possible following hypnosis, but it is very rare for anyone to have absolutely no memory of what happened. I have also never seen or heard of anyone drenched in sweat and panicked upon awakening. Hypnosis is a very relaxing and comfortable experience. If at any point a person imagines or experiences something frightening or traumatic, they can easily open their eyes and return to a state of normal conscious awareness.
And no, hypnosis is not, nor has it ever been, a gateway to supernatural or psychic abilities.
Bummer, huh?
Other Movies Featuring Hypnosis
•Svengali (1931); starring John Barrymore
•Spellbound (1945); directed by Alfred Hitchcock - highly recommended
•Dead Again (1991); Kenneth Branagh
•Shallow Hal (2001); Jack Black, Cameron Diaz
•Oldboy (2003); similar to Manchurian Candidate - recommended
•The Butterfly Effect (2004); Ashton Kutcher
Monday, October 27, 2008
Destroying Hypnosis Myths
“Are you going to make me cluck like a chicken?”
“Only if you want to.”
Let me tell you, if I had a nickel for every time I’ve had that exchange…
Here we are, forging our way into the 21st Century… we carry our ten thousand “favorite” songs around in our ipods, NASA is blasting probes into comets just as in those horrible (horrible) movies from 1998, scientists are able to clone anything that moves, and an overwhelming majority of the civilized world still thinks hypnosis is something that causes you to behave like a fool in public.
I’m here to bust up a few myths for all of you interested in gaining some enlightenment. Today...
MYTH #1: The hypnotist controls his subjects.

Hypnotized people can wake up anytime they want.
The Truth: The hypnotist’s subjects cooperate with him.
Stage hypnosis shows can be highly entertaining. Unfortunately, they also do a great job of convincing people to NEVER allow themselves to be “controlled” like those morons on stage. Truthfully, no one can be hypnotized against their will. One must willingly follow instructions to be hypnotized.

Enjoying a comedy hypnosis show.
Once a person is relaxing in a nice, deep trance, those nervous feelings of self-consciousness can disappear for a while. Think about it… relaxation is the exact opposite of tension. You can’t be both at the same time. Once a person is relaxed, as long as the hypnotist doesn’t suggest anything that is against that person’s moral code (ex. “kill the guy sitting next to you”), they’re more or less willing to follow along.
Hypnosis loosens up inhibitions… almost like a couple of stiff drinks. The difference is that afterwards, instead of feeling worse, you feel great.
Context has a great impact on what a person will do in a trance. For example, if a client seeks my assistance to stop smoking, and in the middle of the session I throw in a suggestion that he’ll have a strong desire to wash my car on his way through the parking lot, he has the presence of mind to ignore that bogus suggestion (though I often wish it did work that way).
Those people on stage know they’re up there to have a good time. They know they’ll be asked to do strange things. Remember, they volunteered in the first place. They weren’t dragged from their seats and chained to the stage.
A hypnotized person arguably has more control than normal, since his mind is free from distractions and focused on the moment. At any time while hypnotized, he is able to awaken and return to a normal state of awareness. However, most people find that it just feels better to hang out in a trance for a while.
So remember, when you see a magic show it’s not really magic that’s happening up there... we all know that. In a hypnosis show, the illusion often being presented is that the all-powerful hypnotist controls his subjects like puppets on strings.
The truth is much less impressive, yet makes for an equally entertaining show.
“Only if you want to.”
Let me tell you, if I had a nickel for every time I’ve had that exchange…
Here we are, forging our way into the 21st Century… we carry our ten thousand “favorite” songs around in our ipods, NASA is blasting probes into comets just as in those horrible (horrible) movies from 1998, scientists are able to clone anything that moves, and an overwhelming majority of the civilized world still thinks hypnosis is something that causes you to behave like a fool in public.
I’m here to bust up a few myths for all of you interested in gaining some enlightenment. Today...
MYTH #1: The hypnotist controls his subjects.

Hypnotized people can wake up anytime they want.
The Truth: The hypnotist’s subjects cooperate with him.
Stage hypnosis shows can be highly entertaining. Unfortunately, they also do a great job of convincing people to NEVER allow themselves to be “controlled” like those morons on stage. Truthfully, no one can be hypnotized against their will. One must willingly follow instructions to be hypnotized.

Enjoying a comedy hypnosis show.
Once a person is relaxing in a nice, deep trance, those nervous feelings of self-consciousness can disappear for a while. Think about it… relaxation is the exact opposite of tension. You can’t be both at the same time. Once a person is relaxed, as long as the hypnotist doesn’t suggest anything that is against that person’s moral code (ex. “kill the guy sitting next to you”), they’re more or less willing to follow along.
Hypnosis loosens up inhibitions… almost like a couple of stiff drinks. The difference is that afterwards, instead of feeling worse, you feel great.
Context has a great impact on what a person will do in a trance. For example, if a client seeks my assistance to stop smoking, and in the middle of the session I throw in a suggestion that he’ll have a strong desire to wash my car on his way through the parking lot, he has the presence of mind to ignore that bogus suggestion (though I often wish it did work that way).
Those people on stage know they’re up there to have a good time. They know they’ll be asked to do strange things. Remember, they volunteered in the first place. They weren’t dragged from their seats and chained to the stage.
A hypnotized person arguably has more control than normal, since his mind is free from distractions and focused on the moment. At any time while hypnotized, he is able to awaken and return to a normal state of awareness. However, most people find that it just feels better to hang out in a trance for a while.
So remember, when you see a magic show it’s not really magic that’s happening up there... we all know that. In a hypnosis show, the illusion often being presented is that the all-powerful hypnotist controls his subjects like puppets on strings.
The truth is much less impressive, yet makes for an equally entertaining show.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Who's Afraid of the Big, Bad Puddy-tat?
I didn't really believe it until I saw it for myself.
One day as we were having lunch, a classmate mentioned to me that she had a paralyzing phobia of cats that she had been suffering from for thirty-two years.
Above: the Terrifying, Fear-Inducing Feline
I mentioned that I had been learning some techniques outside of class, and that I may be able to help her. Naturally, she was skeptical. After all, I had no previous experience curing anyone of anything, and she had been suffering from this intense phobia since she was nineteen years old.
"Hi Sean,
I finally got to show my family that I could be in the room with a cat and when they saw me holding one they just could not believe it... my husband and children were absolutely in shock!
They could not believe it, and after only one session. Wow!!
I made believers out of them!!
Thank you so much!"
-Ja Spruill
Atlanta, GA
I was halfway through a comprehensive training program to become a clinical hypnotherapist, and although I was learning amazing techniques and had benefited personally from hypnotherapy in the past, I was naturally curious as to whether it would work for me.
One day as we were having lunch, a classmate mentioned to me that she had a paralyzing phobia of cats that she had been suffering from for thirty-two years.
Above: the Terrifying, Fear-Inducing Feline
I mentioned that I had been learning some techniques outside of class, and that I may be able to help her. Naturally, she was skeptical. After all, I had no previous experience curing anyone of anything, and she had been suffering from this intense phobia since she was nineteen years old.
After some prodding, she eventually agreed to come to my house and do a session. In my own estimation, this was done out of courtesy on her part, and not out of faith in my abilities.
Now, the interesting part about this story is that I happen to live with two cats. So before she would agree to come over, my friend insisted that my cats be isolated in another room, and placed in their cages.
When she arrived at my home, she had a wide-eyed glare that was similar to what you see in horror movies when the babysitter goes outside to investigate a strange noise. I assured her that the cats were locked safely away, she came inside and we got to work.
A short while later, after I brought her out of hypnosis, I calmly asked her if she would like to meet my cats. She thought it over a moment, nodded and said "okay." We walked into the adjoining room, let the cats out of their cages. She held them in her arms and started to cry... tears of joy.
In that moment, I knew that seeing was believing... but I discovered something even more significant: that you don't always have to see before believing.
A couple weeks later, she told me she was thinking about adopting a kitten of her own. No kidding! Here's what she had to say, in her own words:
"Hi Sean,
I finally got to show my family that I could be in the room with a cat and when they saw me holding one they just could not believe it... my husband and children were absolutely in shock!
They could not believe it, and after only one session. Wow!!
I made believers out of them!!
Thank you so much!"
-Ja Spruill
Atlanta, GA
To hear me speak in more detail about how hypnosis can help to erase fears and phobias, check this out: PODCAST: Fears & Phobias
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Fear of Flying: Just the Facts
In today's world, having a fear of flying is not only inconvenient, it's debilitating. It can cause you to lose a business deal, a job, a friend, or precious time that is wasted driving on interstates. If you'd like to visit other countries and see the world, having a fear of flying will bring your plans to a halt.

If you enter "fear of flying" into Google, you'll find more than 1,490,000 results on the subject, including countless articles in USA Today, The New York Times and other respected publications. These articles include the opinions of doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists, and even some people who run "fear of flying" workshops.

I've been practicing hypnotherapy since 2003, and I have worked with people who had been suffering from a fear of flying for 10, 20 or 30 years (see testimonials below). I can honestly say that every single one of them has since shed that fear completely, in a very brief amount of time.
The fact is, when it comes to fears and phobias, hypnosis works. It works quickly and painlessly, and it works better than anything else out there.
There's no obligation to buy a plane ticket and no need to rationalize your way out of your fear. When you leave my office, you'll be thinking differently about flying. We'll change your automatic thoughts about flying, and change your automatic response. It's that simple.
If you suffer from a fear of flying, you know that you can experience the feelings of anxiety just by thinking about flying. Most people I've met even feel the anxiety while packing for a trip, or while driving to the airport.
When you leave my office, you'll know your fear is gone, because thinking or talking about flying will no longer trigger those feelings. Additionally, each of my clients walks away with a hypnosis CD they can listen to for reinforcement... before a flight, on the plane, in bed at night... anytime.
Sure, I'd love to park a 747 outside my office and watch you board it with a big bright smile on your face and all the confidence in the world... but it's really not necessary. After all, the fear doesn't take place on an airplane, it takes place in your mind.
Remember, hypnosis is relaxation... the exact opposite of stress, anxiety and fear. You can't feel stressed and relaxed at the same time.
Here's what my clients are saying:
[This client came to me one day before her flight, and she was absolutely terrified beforehand.]
"I had been dealing with this paralyzing phobia for 25 years. At the end of the session, one hour later, my mind was relaxed and at ease. [Sean] told me that the more I flew the more fun I would have each trip. He was right." -Whitney (Atlanta, GA)
[This man had been dealing with his fear for more than 20 years.]
"I didn't really believe it until I took that flight, but I can honestly say that I really enjoyed it more than I ever thought I would. It's unbelievable to realize that it's really gone for good, but I can't even make the fear come back if I try, which is kinda weird, but good!" -Juan (Atlanta, GA)
[Since this client was from out of state, I simply made her a custom CD and sent it to her.]
"Your CD was very soothing and reassuring and I really believe that it made a difference. At this time, I would not hesitate to go on another flight again in the near future." -Kathy (Brighton, MI)
If you enter "fear of flying" into Google, you'll find more than 1,490,000 results on the subject, including countless articles in USA Today, The New York Times and other respected publications. These articles include the opinions of doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists, and even some people who run "fear of flying" workshops.
I've been practicing hypnotherapy since 2003, and I have worked with people who had been suffering from a fear of flying for 10, 20 or 30 years (see testimonials below). I can honestly say that every single one of them has since shed that fear completely, in a very brief amount of time.
The fact is, when it comes to fears and phobias, hypnosis works. It works quickly and painlessly, and it works better than anything else out there.
There's no obligation to buy a plane ticket and no need to rationalize your way out of your fear. When you leave my office, you'll be thinking differently about flying. We'll change your automatic thoughts about flying, and change your automatic response. It's that simple.
If you suffer from a fear of flying, you know that you can experience the feelings of anxiety just by thinking about flying. Most people I've met even feel the anxiety while packing for a trip, or while driving to the airport.
When you leave my office, you'll know your fear is gone, because thinking or talking about flying will no longer trigger those feelings. Additionally, each of my clients walks away with a hypnosis CD they can listen to for reinforcement... before a flight, on the plane, in bed at night... anytime.
Sure, I'd love to park a 747 outside my office and watch you board it with a big bright smile on your face and all the confidence in the world... but it's really not necessary. After all, the fear doesn't take place on an airplane, it takes place in your mind.
Remember, hypnosis is relaxation... the exact opposite of stress, anxiety and fear. You can't feel stressed and relaxed at the same time.
Here's what my clients are saying:
[This client came to me one day before her flight, and she was absolutely terrified beforehand.]
"I had been dealing with this paralyzing phobia for 25 years. At the end of the session, one hour later, my mind was relaxed and at ease. [Sean] told me that the more I flew the more fun I would have each trip. He was right." -Whitney (Atlanta, GA)
[This man had been dealing with his fear for more than 20 years.]
"I didn't really believe it until I took that flight, but I can honestly say that I really enjoyed it more than I ever thought I would. It's unbelievable to realize that it's really gone for good, but I can't even make the fear come back if I try, which is kinda weird, but good!" -Juan (Atlanta, GA)
[Since this client was from out of state, I simply made her a custom CD and sent it to her.]
"Your CD was very soothing and reassuring and I really believe that it made a difference. At this time, I would not hesitate to go on another flight again in the near future." -Kathy (Brighton, MI)
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