The Experts All Agree... and They're Wrong
If you enter "fear of flying" into Google, you'll find more than two million results on the subject, including countless articles in USA Today, The New York Times and other respected publications. These articles include the opinions of doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists, and even some people who run "fear of flying" workshops.

Sometimes they'll mention hypnosis as a footnote, but it's never really given the time of day. They either try to force these poor people to buy tickets for flights and "conquer" their fears with will power and rationalizations, or they ask them to talk about their fears week after week with the hope that if they discover the origin or "cause" of the fear, it will magically disappear.
While I believe these people to be honest and well-intentioned, I have to say "Where have they been the past few decades?" The techniques I use (a combination of hypnosis and NLP) aren't new, and they work so well and so quickly that I am often stunned that these intelligent people haven't heard about them. I didn't invent these techniques, but I've used them to help my clients to get over their fears quite literally in less than an hour. That's not an exception - it's the rule.
100% Success Rate
I've been practicing hypnotherapy since 2003, and I have worked with people who had been suffering from a fear of flying for 10, 20 or 30 years (see testimonials below). I can honestly say that every single one of them has since shed that fear completely. If I someday experience a failure, I will immediately update this with the correct figures.
The fact is, when it comes to fears and phobias, hypnosis works. It works quickly and painlessly, and it works better than anything else out there.
There's no obligation to buy a plane ticket and no need to rationalize your way out of your fear. When you leave my office, you'll be thinking differently about flying. We'll change your automatic thoughts about flying, and change your automatic response. It's that simple.
It's the Thought that Counts
If you suffer from a fear of flying, you know that you can experience the feelings of anxiety just by thinking about flying. Most people I've met even feel the anxiety while packing for a trip, or while driving to the airport. When you leave my office, you'll know your fear is gone, because thinking or talking about flying will no longer trigger those feelings. Additionally, each of my clients walks away with a hypnosis CD they can listen to for reinforcement... before a flight, on the plane, in bed at night... anytime.
Sure, I'd love to park a 747 outside my office and watch you board it with a big bright smile on your face and all the confidence in the world... but it's really not necessary. After all, the fear doesn't take place on an airplane, it takes place in your mind.
Remember, hypnosis is relaxation... the exact opposite of stress, anxiety and fear. You can't feel stressed and relaxed at the same time.
Case Studies
25-Year Fear of Flying
"I had a fear of flying. No, scratch that. Actually it was a phobia of flying. Just the thought of going to an airport made me sick to my stomach. I was told I needed to travel to L.A. on a business trip and I needed to travel alone. I knew I wouldn't be able to go. A friend gave me Sean's information and told me to call him. I did.
I arrived at Sean's office and he told me he may be able to "cure" my disease in an hour. 'Yeah right,' I thought. That's impossible. I had been dealing with this paralyzing phobia for 25 years.
At the end of the session, one hour later, my mind was relaxed and at ease. My trip to L.A. was scheduled for the next day and not only was the fear gone, but excitement took its place. He told me that the more I flew the more fun I would have each trip. He was right.
I now fly all over the country on trips by myself... trips that I make for myself! I have fun and feel safe. Turbulence doesn't even bother me. It's amazing how liberated and strong I feel now as a result of my therapy session with Sean. I recommend his services to everyone I know. It's the right choice. And best of all, it's an alternative to medication that's everlasting.
Thank you, Sean! You've changed my life."
Atlanta, GA
20-Year Fear of Flying
"I just wanted to say thank you so much for all your help. I didn't really believe it until I took that flight, but I can honestly say that I really enjoyed it more than I ever thought I would. It's unbelievable to realize that it's really gone for good, but I can't even make the fear come back if I try, which is kinda weird, but good!
Thanks again,
Atlanta, GA
(This testimonial is from a client who never set foot in my office. Communication with the client was made solely through email. After gathering sufficient information, I created and recorded a CD which Kathy used in preparation for her trip.)
"Hi Sean,
I've just returned from my trip to Myrtle Beach and I have to tell you that it was a great trip! After listening to your CD several times, I must say that I wasn't as apprehensive as I've been in the past about getting on the plane. The flights were very smooth and quick and it was so nice to get there quickly for a change!
Your CD was very soothing and reassuring and I really believe that it made a difference. At this time, I would not hesitate to go on another flight again in the near future.
Brighton, MI